To keep up with the global demand for copper, it’s important to participate in copper recycling. Relying on mining alone is neither sustainable nor enough to satisfy the copper industry.
The amazing benefits of copper recycling
For thousands of years, copper has been an essential metal for everyday life. It continues to serve as a major industrial metal because of its high ductility, malleability, thermal and electrical conductivity, and resistance to corrosion. According to The U.S. Geological Survey, every American born in 2008 will use 1,309 pounds of copper during their lifetime for necessities, lifestyles and health. In fact, about half of the world’s copper is produced for electrical applications, and is widely used in building construction, transportation equipment and other consumer goods.
To keep up with the global demand for copper, it’s important to recycle your copper scrap. Relying on mining alone is neither sustainable nor enough to satisfy the copper industry. Fortunately, copper is a recyclable material and uses much less energy than processing new copper from virgin ore. It is 100% recyclable without any detrimental effect on its properties. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of copper recycling!
Environmental benefits
With more copper recycled, we can minimize the demand for copper mining. Copper mining involves large amounts of time, energy, and the burning of fossil fuels. Furthermore, the refining process for copper releases toxic gas, dust, and other harmful materials into the air. Because copper recycling requires less energy than extracting copper from ore, fewer gas emissions are released into the atmosphere.
Reduce space in landfills
Have you ever thought about what happens to your rubbish after you throw it away? Most of it is taken to giant holes in the ground called landfills, which act as significant contributors to environmental pollution. Toxic run-off from the garbage and old metals are likely to leak into the soil, destroying natural habitats and harming wildlife. Without recycling, valuable copper will end up in landfills and contribute to the growing and expensive problem of overcrowded dumpsites.
Economic advantages
The entire economy of the copper industry is dependent on recycling. The recycling process is much less expensive than mining and extracting. As such, recycling is necessary to maintain affordable copper prices for plumbing, electrical and other manufacturing purposes. Cheap copper prices encourage companies to continue their operations and improve their products over time.
Preserve natural resources
Copper ore is a finite resource that should not be mined thoughtlessly. Furthermore, recycling allows for conservation of other valuable resources such as coal and oil that would otherwise be used in the mining and extraction process. To ensure that we do not deplete the Earth’s natural resources, recycling regularly will prevent wastage.
Household copper to recycle
Most households have an abundance of copper. Anything from old household appliances, plumbing pipes, pots and pans, outdated technology and electrical wires will likely contain precious copper for recycling. In fact, older models of appliances tend to have more copper, which gives you more scrap and more money! Washers, dryers, refrigerators, and air conditioners make great scrap appliances for their copper coils. Take advantage and don’t just throw them out when they need to be replaced!
Recycle with us
Demand for copper will continue to increase as developing countries continue to become more industrialized. As such, copper recycling is absolutely essential to support the growth and innovation of societies around the world. Lucky for us, the life of copper is infinite! Once mined, it can be recycled repeatedly without any loss of performance. At Manville Recycling, we’ll collect, assess, and weigh your scrap copper. We consider the needs and convenience of our customers above everything else and will offer you a fair price for your materials. If you have any questions about the recycling process, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Are you interested in recycling your metal with us? Read more about how to properly prepare your metal for recycling here.